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If you have ever  wondered  why your children are acting the way they are and how you can change it, then this book is for you!


There is a secret or two about what drives child behavior, when I tell you what it is you will slap your forehead and say  "of course!", it's that easy. How you use this information may be a little trickier but not much once you get the hang of it. Let me give you a boost with my new book, God Bless all Children, your children are the best thing that you have in your life and the greatest gift. Oh, and what about those secrets...they are very  obvious secrets but when you put them together a lot of things start to make  sense.


Secret number one; the thing that drives most of a child's behavior is the need to get attention from you, his/her parent. No it's not the toy they want it's you and if they can get you to interact with them by fighting over a toy, that works. Secret number two; Attention from you is a need not a want and children will seek it out any way they can. This means if they receive attention positively OR negatively it doesn't matter all that much as long as you interact with them. Negative attention is just so much faster and easier to get, don't you think?


Now you know, if you want to know how to control your child's drive for attention the most positive way possible then you need to read this book!










UUnderstanding Behaviorior


  • Foundations 

  • The “NO” Stage 

  • The Terrible or Terrific Twos 

  • Organizing Your Child’s Day 

  • The Foundation of Positive/Negative Behavior 

  • Stability 

  • Emotional Responsibility and Learned Helplessness

  • Quality Time Together

  • Creating Opportunities for Positive Behavior 

  • The View from Your Child’s Eyes 

  • Dads - You’re Being Watched! 

  • Increasing Positive Interaction: Touch/Singing 

  • Setting Limits 

  • Practicality and Pitfalls 

  • The Basics of Nutrition 



     Shaping Behavior



  • Consequences 

  • Speech and Civilization 

  • Safety and Behavior 

  • Training Parents 

  • Sibling Wars and the Miracle Cure 

  • Imprinting 

  • Arguing/Discussing/Compromising with Your Teen

  • Freedom from “The Mall” 

  • The Benevolent Dictator 

  • Rules

  • Facing Pressure 

  • Pet Peeves 

  • In Closing


Table of Contents

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